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While nowadays subcontracting in companies is omnipresent, sometimes even in extreme proportions, this presentation will provide an overview of the issues specific to risk management in a subcontracting context.
Starting with the origins of outsourcing and the reasons why companies end up entrusting sometimes critical services to partners, the presentation will address the risks represented by the different types of subcontracting.
Using real cases of recent attacks as well as the entry into force of certain regulations, questions on the security of data entrusted to partners will be presented.
Finally, the different ways of reducing the risks linked to subcontracting and supply chains will be proposed as well as the different means of controlling subcontractors and the limits of these exercises.
About the speaker
Pierre Le Calvez
Vice-President Service Conseil Cybersécurité CGI
Pierre Le Calvez is now Vice-President of Cybersecurity at CGI and has around 15 years of experience in information security.
Previously responsible for security audit and incident response at a global telecommunications operator, he had the opportunity to take charge of security governance, risk management, offensive security and incident response issues.